2024 Minnesota Muslim Convention

Quran Competition Registration

Quran Competition Terms & Conditions

Participants’ competition grade is comprised of 75% for memorization and 25% for recitation. If any contestant scores less than 60/100 in the total score he/she will automatically be disqualified. Participants will be tested on recitation and memorization according to the rules of Tajweed. Only one person may accompany a participant if the participant wishes so.

Prizes will be given to the Competition winners. The judge's decisions are final in all cases and will not be challenged or changed.
Winners will be announced at the Minnesota Muslim Convention. Winners must be attending to receive their prizes. If for any reason a winner is not there during prize giving, the prize will go to the next scorer. Accept

If there are less than 5 registrants for a category the Quran Competition organizers have the right to cancel the category.
The Quran Competition organizers reserve the right to dismiss, cancel and/or disqualify any participant without any liability at any time with immediate effect; this includes but is not limited to, any participant who tampers with the operation of the competition or competition site or violates the terms and conditions or any other applicable laws and regulations or provides false information.

I hereby give consent for each participant listed on this form to be photographed or video or audio-taped during the activity, and I agree that the images so obtained may be used for educational and public relations purposes by MAS-MN and its affiliates.


Early Bird Quran Registration

Registration includes access to convention
LEVEL 1 - Whole Quran
LEVEL 2- 15 Juz
LEVEL 3 - 5 Juz
LEVEL 4 - Juz Amma - Must be under 15 years old

Total: $0.00


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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